News Release

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

Online Purple Cow Gift Shop to Support the National Children’s Center

MADISON, WIS. – For the first time, World Dairy Expo’s Purple Cow Gift Shop is offering online sales. Spurred on by the cancellation of World Dairy Expo® 2020, the online store features Expo apparel and cow paraphernalia. WDE is pledging 10% of all profits from the online store in 2020 to the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety.

Headquartered in Marshfield, Wisconsin, the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety strives to enhance the health and safety of all children exposed to hazards associated with agricultural work and rural environments. Children’s Center scientists and staff focus on research and outreach activities that help farm owners, parents and supervisors identify and address hazards associated with agricultural work and rural environments.

“As a family-focused organization, we saw this as a unique opportunity to support a non-profit focused on serving farm families,” shares Scott Bentley, World Dairy Expo General Manager. “The Children’s Center does just that through their nation-wide outreach programs focused on keeping kids safe on the farm.”

The Purple Cow Gift Shop’s online store will remain open through the end of the year at Shipping and pick-up options are available for customers in the United States and Canada. Additional items will be added to the store periodically so watch the Purple Cow Gift Shop Facebook page for updates.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. Crowds of more than 62,000 people, from nearly 100 countries, will return to Madison, Wis. for the 54th event, September 28 through October 2, 2021, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Download the World Dairy Expo mobile event app, visit or follow WDE on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube for more information.  
