News Release

Thursday, October 8, 2020

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

Hellenbrand Honored as Friend of Expo

MADISON, WIS. – World Dairy Expo is honored to present Michael Hellenbrand of Cross Plains, Wisconsin with a posthumous 2020 Friend of Expo Award. This award is given annually to volunteers of World Dairy Expo who continuously go above and beyond for the organization. Sadly, Hellenbrand passed away this summer, but the positive impact he had on World Dairy Expo will remain for years.

Hellenbrand served on the World Dairy Expo Board of Directors as the current First Vice President and was a past Treasurer and former chairman of numerous committees. His financial background, gained through years of working on Wall Street, were a valuable asset to Expo as Hellenbrand helped to strengthen the organization’s financial position. He also played a large role in the construction of the New Holland Pavilions at the Alliant Energy Center and was a vocal advocate for Showring ethics and youth exhibitors.

“Mike was a true ambassador for World Dairy Expo,” shared Bill Hageman, WDE Board President. “While he especially enjoyed providing opportunities for youth to experience the thrill of showing on the colored shavings, he was also very willing to share his time and his perspective for the greater good of the Expo family. He was the kind of friend who would pick you up if you got knocked down, but at the same time, one who was willing to give it to you straight – good news or difficult news.”

A virtual award presentation can be found at or on Expo’s Facebook page.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. Crowds of more than 62,000 people, from nearly 100 countries, will return to Madison, Wis. for the 54th event, September 28 through October 2, 2021, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Download the World Dairy Expo mobile event app, visit or follow WDE on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube for more information. 
