News Release

Friday, October 4, 2019

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

Young Cows Win International Junior Guernsey Show

MADISON, WIS. – Grand Champion and Intermediate Champion honors of the International Junior Guernsey Show were awarded to Thurston Farms Primetime Trixie, the first-place Yearling Heifer in Milk. Trixie was exhibited by Katie T. Livingston of West Winfield, N.Y. She received the $500 Udder Comfort Grand Champion Award and the Afton Farm Trophy with this honor. Warwick Manor Miss America-ET, the first-place Junior Three-Year-Old Cow exhibited by Kaila, Karli and Kolby Stoltzfus of East Earl, Penn., was named Reserve Grand Champion and Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show. Trixie and Miss America received the Lillian & Keith King and Jim King Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Awards, respectively.

Senior Champion was Springhill Mentor Jamaica-ET, the first place Four-Year-Old Cow. Jamaica was exhibited by Kaila, Karli and Kolby Stoltzfus of East Earl, Penn. Reserve Senior Champion was Hartdale Top Notch Coco, shown by Lauren Robison and Braden Hartmann of Mulberry Grove, Ill. Coco was the winning Five-Year-Old Cow.

Twincounty Whats On Tap-ET was named Junior Champion, after winning the Winter Heifer Calf class for Landree Fraley of Muncy, Penn. Following Whats on Tap as Reserve Junior Champion and second-place Winter Heifer Calf was Jon Ann Charismas T Cherie, shown by Kyle Bonavita of Meshoppen, Penn.

Placing a total of 77 animals in the International Junior Guernsey Show were official judge Seth Johnson of Tunbridge, Vt. and associate judge Jon Lantz of Ellsworth, Wis.

Complete class results can be found at

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. Crowds of more than 65,000 people, from nearly 100 countries, will return to Madison, Wis. for the 53rd annual event, October 1-5, 2019, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Visit or follow WDE on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube for more information. 
