News Release

Monday, September 30, 2019

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

Three-Peat for SUNY Cobleskill in Post-Secondary Dairy Judging Contest 

MADISON, WIS. – For the third year in a row, SUNY Cobleskill captured the overall team honor in the International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest on Monday, September 30, 2019. Cassie Menedez carried her team to the top as the high individual overall. She was joined by her teammates Kathryn Bosley, Angela George and Laura Littrell. Kaskaskia College followed as the second-place team overall and the first-place team in reasons, making this their fourth reasons title in a row. The succeeding top teams were: Northeast Iowa Community College in third, Modesto Junior College in fourth and SUNY Morrisville in fifth. In the Practical Contest, Northeast Iowa Community College placed first overall, followed by Kaskaskia College in second.

Teams and individuals receiving recognition include:

Top Ten Individuals – Overall:

  1. Cassie Menedez, 802, SUNY Cobleskill
  2. Cole Kruse, 799, Kaskaskia College
  3. Joey Freitas, 785, Modesto Junior College
  4. Laura Littrell, 776, SUNY Cobleskill
  5. Sarah Quallen, 776, The Ohio State University – Agricultural Technical Institute
  6. Angela George, 761, SUNY Cobleskill
  7. Catie Lang, 760, Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
  8. Amanda Engelken, 758, Kaskaskia College
  9. Collin Wille, 755, Northeast Iowa Community College
  10. Justin Huff, 752, Kaskaskia College

Top Ten Individuals – Reasons:

  1. Cole Kruse, 234, Kaskaskia College
  2. Cassie Menedez, 228, SUNY Cobleskill
  3. Joey Freitas, 227, Modesto Junior College
  4. Korey Oechsle, 227, The Ohio State University – Agricultural Technical Institute
  5. Amanda Engelken, 226, Kaskaskia College
  6. Rachel Scidmore, 226, Kaskaskia College
  7. Matt Lange, 226, University of Guelph
  8. Laura Littrell, 225, SUNY Cobleskill
  9. Sarah Quallen, 224, The Ohio State University – Agricultural Technical Institute
  10. Angela George, 224, SUNY Cobleskill

Top Ten Teams – Overall:

  1. SUNY Cobleskill, 2,339, team members: Kathryn Bosley, Angela George, Cassie Menedez and Laura Littrell, coached by Carrie Edsall
  2. Kaskaskia College, 2,309, team members: Cole Kruse, Amanda Engelken, Rachel Scidmore and Justin Huff, coached by Aaron Heinzmann
  3. Northeast Iowa Community College, 2,230, team members: Brandon Gilbertson, Derek Littrel, Austin Raymond and Collin Wille, coached by Mariah Schmitt, Karla Schmitt and Dave Lawstuen.
  4. Modesto Junior College, 2,217, team members: Joey Freitas, Elizabete Neves, Gabbie Gregorio and Marcus Marsigli, coached by Bill Hobby
  5. SUNY Morrisville, 2,214, team members: Heidi Moss, Devin Kuhn, Keltan Tanguay and Haley Christie, coached by Ashley Adams.
  6. The Ohio State University – Agricultural Technical Institute, 2,191, team members: Sarah Quallen, David Miley, Korey Oechsle and Tyler Hephner, coached by Don Hange and Royce Thornton
  7. Highland Community College, 2,177, team members: Carli Reeverts, Jared Dickman and Brooklynn Hollis, coached by Kristi Dinderman
  8. Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, 2,120, team members: Sarah Kearns, Catie Lang, Levi Kindschi and Nicole Statz, coached by Ryan Weigel
  9. Michigan State Ag Tech, 2,074, team members: Grace Platte, Jessie Nash and Caitie Theisen, coached by Joe Domecq and Sarah Black
  10. Lakeshore Technical College, Team A, 1,987, team members: Emily Pankratz, Heather Griesmer, Meghan Becker and Marina Hoeve, coached by Craig Lallensack

Top Five Teams – Reasons:

  1. Kaskaskia College, 683, coached by Aaron Heinzmann
  2. SUNY Cobleskill, 677, coached by Carrie Edsall
  3. Modesto Junior College, 660, coached by Bill Hobby
  4. The Ohio State University – Agricultural Technical Institute, 645, coached by Don Hange and Royce Thornton
  5. Northeast Iowa Community College, 643, coached by Mariah Schmitt, Karla Schmitt and Dave Lawstuen

Top Five Teams – Practical Contest:

  1. Northeast Iowa Community College, 636
  2. Kaskaskia College, 621
  3. Southwest Technical College, 613
  4. Lakeshore Technical College, Team A, 595
  5. Fox Valley Technical College, Team A, 589

Top Five Teams – Linear Contest:

  1. Kaskaskia College, 310
  2. Northeast Iowa Community College, 295
  3. Fox Valley Technical College, Team A, 280
  4. Lakeshore Technical College, Team A, 255
  5. The Ohio State University-Agricultural Technical Institute, 255

Top Five Teams – Corrective Mating:

  1. Northeast Iowa Community College, 180
  2. Fox Valley Technical College, Team B, 170
  3. Lakeshore Technical College, Team A, 161
  4. Southwest Technical College, 158
  5. University of Minnesota-Crookston, 154

Top Five Teams – Commercial Class:

  1. Southwest Technical College, 145
  2. Modesto Junior College, 134
  3. Kaskaskia College, 131
  4. Lakeshore Technical College, Team A, 121
  5. Fox Valley Technical College, Team B, 116

Top Five Teams – Registered Class:

  1. Kaskaskia College, 199
  2. The Ohio State University – Agricultural Technical Institute, 187
  3. Northeast Iowa Community College, 174
  4. Southwest Technical College, 168
  5. Modesto Junior College, 168

The International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest is made possible through the generous support of Platinum Level Sponsor, Bayer Crop Science; Gold Level Sponsors, STgenetics and Westway Feed Products; Silver Level Sponsors, Bio-Vet, Inc., Lakeshore Federated Dairy Cooperative and Masters Choice Hybrids; and many additional supporters.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. Crowds of nearly 65,000 people, from nearly 100 countries, will return to Madison, Wisconsin for the 53rd annual event, October 1-5, 2019, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube for more information.
