News Release

Friday, October 12, 2018

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

World Dairy Expo Breed Sales Draw Global Buyers

MADISON, WIS. – The 2018 World Dairy Expo Breed Sales once again offered consignments from the Showring and top genomic heifers. Buyers from around the world vied for the many world-class cattle and embryos sold during the five-day show. Following are the highlights from each of the six breed sales held throughout WDE.   

Top of the World Jersey Sale: Wednesday, October 3
The Top of the World Jersey Sale took place on Wednesday, October 3 in the Sale Pavilion. Topping the sale was the newly named Reserve Junior Champion of the International Junior Jersey Show, Wildweed Premero Lightning. Lightning was consigned by Katie Ledvica and Michael and Megan Moede of Algoma, Wis. and was purchased by Buster Goff, Hobbs, N.M., for $5,200. The second-high seller of the night was Woodmohr Be True, consigned by Woodmohr Jerseys, Bloomer, Wis., and purchased by Starwischer Jerseys – Ethan, Kadey and Heath Starkey, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, for $4,100. The 28 lots averaged $2,080 with a sale total of $58,250. Buyers represented 12 U.S. states.

World Ayrshire Event Sale: Wednesday, October 3
The World Ayrshire Event Sale was held on Wednesday, October 3, and was topped by a pick of a flush from Palmyra Shockwave BR Rosy by a mutually agreeable sire. This lot was consigned by Kurt Wolf and John Cannon of Epworth, Iowa and was purchased by Palmyra Farm, Good-Vue Ayrshires and Hurtgen Lea Holsteins, Hagerstown, Md. for $6,000. Maple-Dell Burdette Desiree-ET was the second-high seller to buyers Susan Edwards and Donna, Casey and Haley Mertz of Blair, Neb. for $4,800. Desiree was consigned by David Patrick of Woodbine, Md. The sale’s 11 consignments totaled $32,290 with a sale average of $2,935.

World Premier Brown Swiss Sale: Thursday, October 4
The World Premier Brown Swiss Sale filled the Sale Pavilion on Thursday, October 4 following the completion of an exciting International Brown Swiss Show. Consigned by Ken Main and Peter Vail of Copake, N.Y., the high selling lot was Cutting Edge S Dazed-ETV, a Seaman daughter from 2018 WDE Supreme Champion Cutting Edge T Delilah, who sold for $13,250 to Sandy Creek Farm, Bridgeport, N.Y. The second highest lot, Cutting Edge C Skylar, also consigned by Ken Main and Peter Vail of Copake, N.Y., was purchased by Fred Mathys and Donna Harp, Manitoba, Canada, for $9,200. A total of 30 lots were sold, for a sale total of $164,025 and averaging $5,135 per lot. The buyers represented 10 U.S. states, Canada, Mexico, Peru and Switzerland.

World Premier Milking Shorthorn Sale: Friday, October 5
The World Premier Milking Shorthorn Sale was held on Friday, October 5, in conjunction with the International Guernsey Classic, with 10 lots averaging $2,205 for a sale total of $22,050. Elite HP Blast, a summer yearling heifer from the 2017 International Milking Shorthorn Show Grand Champion, Eichlers MD Blanche-ET, was the high seller at $4,800 to buyer Cold Spring Milking Shorthorns, Farmington, N.H. Blast was consigned by Peter Vail and Hillpoint Partners, Cross Plains, Wis. Elron Zeus Wren-EXP-ET was the second highest lot, sold to Dean Dohle and Duane Gibbs of Halfway, Mo. for $2,800 and consigned by Elron Farms, Lost Nation, Iowa. Buyers at this sale represented five U.S. states.

International Guernsey Classic: Friday, October 5
The International Guernsey Classic was held Friday, October 5 at World Dairy Expo. With 27 lots, the high-seller, Millborne HP Fabulous-ETV, was sold to The Fabulous Five, Granby, Conn., for $7,600 and consigned by Miller, Hellenbrand and Vail of Granby, Conn. Rounding out the top pair was Sniders HP GG Apple Sauce-ETV, consigned by Hillpoint, Snider Homestead and Basse, Cross Plains, Wis., and purchased by Andrew Levesque, Hayfield, Minn., for $7,600. The 27 lots sold to buyers in 11 U.S. states for a total of $83,250, with an average of $3,404.

World Classic ’18 Sale: Friday, October 5
The World Classic ’18 completed a week of breed sales with a sale average of $34,966 for 50 lots, totaling gross sales of $1,748,300. Topping the sale, for a price of $205,000, was Lexvold Rolan Anne-ET, a May-born heifer calf with a GTPI of +2930 purchased by Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, B.C., Canada and consigned by Larry Lexvold, Goodhue, Minn. The second-highest selling lot was AOT Fabulous Mary-ET, consigned by AOT Genetics, Valley Falls, N.Y., and purchased by Select Sires, Plain City, Ohio, for $125,000. Buyers represented 11 U.S. states and three countries.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. Crowds of nearly 70,000 people, from 100 countries, returned to Madison, Wisconsin for the 52nd annual event, October 2-6, 2018, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more were on display. Visit or follow us on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or YouTube for more information. 


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