News Release

Monday, October 1, 2018

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

SUNY Cobleskill Comes Back for More in Post-Secondary Dairy Judging Contest 

MADISON, WIS. – SUNY Cobleskill captured top honors for the second year in a row with the overall team title in the International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest on Monday, October 1. Lydia Williams led the team as the first-place individual overall and was joined by teammates, Rachel Hall, Toni Jaque, and Shannon Sears. Michigan State University Ag Tech placed second overall and third in reasons as a team. Rounding out the top five teams were: Modesto Junior College in third, Northeast Iowa Community College in fourth, and Kaskaskia College in fifth. Kaskaskia College also completed the contest as the overall winner of the Practical Contest followed by the Modesto Junior College, Team A, in second.

Teams and individuals receiving recognition include:

Top Ten Individuals – Overall:

  1. Lydia Williams, 799, SUNY Cobleskill
  2. Adriana Toste, 793, Modesto Junior College, Team A
  3. Jacob Hornberg, 787, Northeast Iowa Community College
  4. Donavan Miguel, 783, Modesto Junior College, Team A
  5. Patrick Tegeler, 780, Kaskaskia College
  6. Kristen Burkhardt, 777, Michigan State Ag Tech
  7. Miriah Dershem, 777, Michigan State Ag Tech
  8. Cady McGehee, 774, Kaskaskia College
  9. Derek Utecht, 772, Northeast Iowa Community College
  10. Brennan Topp, 771, The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute

Top Ten Individuals – Reasons:

  1. Cady McGehee, 229, Kaskaskia College
  2. Adriana Toste, 228, Modesto Junior College, Team A
  3. Kristen Burkhardt, 228, Michigan State Ag Tech
  4. Lydia Williams, 225, SUNY Cobleskill
  5. Jacob Hornberg, 225, Northeast Iowa Community College
  6. Michael Narbona, 225, Modesto Junior College, Team B
  7. Derek Utecht, 222, Northeast Iowa Community College
  8. Garrett Jenkins, 222, SUNY Morrisville
  9. Patrick Tegeler, 221, Kaskaskia College
  10. Donavan Miguel, 220, Modesto Junior College, Team A

Top Ten Teams – Overall:

  1. SUNY Cobleskill, 2,335, team members: Lydia Williams, Rachel Hall, Toni Jaque and Shannon Sears, coached by Carrie Edsall
  2. Michigan State Ag Tech, 2,314, team members Gerrit Baker, Kristen Burkhardt, Miriah Dershem and Beka McDonald, coached by Joe Domecq and Sarah Black
  3. Modesto Junior College, Team A, 2,313, team members: Adriana Toste, Nicolous Machado, Donavan Miguel and Carson Haringa, coached by Bill Hobby
  4. Northeast Iowa Community College, 2,298, Jacob Hornberg, Hayley Jackson and Derek Utecht, coached by Mariah Schmitt, Dave Lawstuen and Karla Schmitt
  5. Kaskaskia College, 2,296, team members: Cady McGehee, Brock Irwin, Alex Walden and Patrick Tegeler, coached by Aaron Heinzmann
  6. The Ohio State Agricultural Technical Institute, Team A, 2,277, team members: Kylie McLean, Lauren Almasy, Brennan Topp and Stephanie Wyatt, coached by Don Hange and Royce Thornton
  7. SUNY Morrisville, 2,191, team members: Garrett Jenkins, Brandon Nickerson, Madison Woodis and Alyssa Grocott, coached by Ashley Adams
  8. University of Guelph-Ridgetown Campus, Team B, 2,127, team members: Cassie Hawthorne, Trevor Nyenkamp, Aimee Vanloon and Grace MacLachlan, coached by Gail Carpenter and Amber Sayers
  9. University of Guelph-Ridgetown Campus, Team A, 2,051, team members: Alex Beaudette, Sam Johnston, Hillary Kempers and Emily Unger, coached by Gail Carpenter and Amber Sayers
  10. Alfred State, 2021, team members: Carolyn Wright, Courtney Charlesworth, Samuel Starceski and Dalan Ealy, coached by Dorothea Fitzsimmons and Rachel Smith

Top Five Teams – Reasons:

  1. Kaskaskia College, 663, coached by Aaron Heinzmann
  2. SUNY Cobleskill, 661, coached by Carrie Edsall
  3. Michigan State Ag Tech, 658, coached by Joe Domecq and Sarah Black
  4. Northeast Iowa Community College, 656, coached by Mariah Schmitt, Dave Lawstuen, and Karla Schmitt
  5. SUNY Morrisville, 654, coached by Ashley Adams

Top Five Teams – Practical Contest:

  1. Kaskaskia College, 501
  2. Modesto Junior College, Team A, 497
  3. The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, Team 1, 489
  4. Northeast Iowa Community College, 488
  5. Wright State University, 478

Top Five Teams – Linear Contest:

  1. Fox Valley Technical College, 118.6
  2. Alfred State College, 114.6
  3. Kaskaskia College, 113.3
  4. Northeast Iowa Community College, 111.6
  5. Southwest Technical College, 110

Top Five Teams – Registered Class:

  1. Modesto Junior College, Team A, 189
  2. The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, Team 2, 187
  3. The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, Team 1, 184
  4. Northeast Iowa Community College, 181
  5. Kaskaskia College, 179

Top Five Teams – Commercial Class:

  1. Fox Valley Technical College, 135
  2. Modesto Junior College, Team A, 131
  3. University of Guelph-Ridgetown Campus, Team 13, 130
  4. Wright State University, 129
  5. Lakeshore Technical College, Team 5, 129

Top Five Teams – Corrective Mating:

  1. Lakeshore Technical College, Team B, 122
  2. The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute Team 1, 118
  3. University of Guelph-Ridgetown Campus, Team 13, 111
  4. Kaskaskia College, 110
  5. Northeast Iowa Community College, 110

The International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest is made possible through the generous support of Platinum Level Sponsor Channel Seed; Gold Sponsors DeLaval, Inc., ST Genetics and Westway Feed Products; and additional supporters.

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Note to Editors: High-resolution photos of the winners are available here.