News Release

Sunday, September 30, 2018

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

German Participant Tops Record-Breaking WDE Youth Fitting Contest

MADISON, WIS. – The ninth annual World Dairy Expo® Youth Fitting Contest experienced record participation once again on Sunday, September 30 in the Sale Pavilion. The 34 contestants represented 12 U.S. States, two Canadian Provinces and Germany. Ranging in age from 14 to 21, these participants were allotted one hour to prepare an animal to show-ready quality. Placing the contest was Tyler Reynolds, Feed Manager at Reyncrest Farms in Corfu, N.Y., and assisting him was Andrew Lenhardt, Barn Manager at Oakfield Corners Genetics in Oakfield, N.Y.

Top finishers in the Intermediate Divisions, Haley Beukema, New Richmond, Wis., and Dillon Freeman, Bremen, Ind., and second place finishers in the Senior Divisions, Emily Mikel, Stafford, N.Y., and Austin Nauman, Norwalk, Wis., received clippers sponsored by Wahl Clipper & Lister Shearing. Lisa Cramer, Uplengen, Germany, and Grant Fremstad, Westby, Wis., winners of the Senior Divisions, were awarded clippers from Clipper Parts & Repair.  

Other awards included neck medallions and cash prizes to the top five finishers, compliments of Budjon Farms, Kelly Reynolds, the Richard Klossner Family, LOWE Equipment Attachments and Y-Tex Corporation.

Placings for the Youth Fitting Contest divisions are as follows:

Intermediate Female:

  1. Haley Beukema, New Richmond, Wis.
  2. Mallory Rhodes, Millport, N.Y.
  3. Sydney Lamb, College Grove, Tenn.
  4. Brooke Hammann, Barron, Wis.
  5. Mariah Eichenberg, Fort Atkinson, Wis.

Intermediate Male:

  1. Dillon Freeman, Bremen, Ind.
  2. Jack Achen, Lakin, Kan.
  3. Colton Brandel, Lake Mills, Wis.
  4. Alek Krueger, Hazel Green, Wis.
  5. Taylor Fester, Grove City, Minn.

Senior Female:

  1. Lisa Cramer, Uplengen, Germany
  2. Emily Mikel, Stafford, N.Y.
  3. Avery Kotlarczyk, Kent, Ill.
  4. Hannah Nelson, Ellsworth, Wis.
  5. Elizabeth Stoltzfus, Berlin, Penn.

Senior Male:

  1. Grant Fremstad, Westby, Wis.
  2. Austin Nauman, Norwalk, Wis.
  3. Trevor Tuman, Arlington, Minn.
  4. Ryan Lawton, Newark Valley, N.Y.
  5. Dylan Brantner, Evans City, Pa.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. Crowds of nearly 70,000 people, from 100 countries, will return to Madison, Wisconsin for the 52nd annual event, October 2-6, 2018, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube for more information. 


Note to Editors: High-resolution photos of the winners are available here.