News Release

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

World Dairy Expo® Dairy Cattle Show Announces Entry ID Requirement Change

MADISON, WIS. – The deadline to enter cattle for the 50th World Dairy Expo® Dairy Cattle Show is fast approaching. To avoid late fees, cattle entries must be postmarked or submitted online by midnight (CDT) on Wednesday, August 31, 2016. Entry information, a complete schedule of events, rules and other updates can be found in the Premium Book or online at

Due to a backlog in official USDA AIN 840 tags, the requirement to submit official AIN and CCIA ID at the time of animal entry has been relaxed for the 2016 show. If exhibitors do not currently have an AIN or CCIA number for their animals, they can submit entries by selecting “pending” on the paper or electronic entry form.

Although the official USDA AIN or Canadian CCIA RFID number is no longer required at the time of entry, it must be listed on the health papers with a corresponding tag placed in the animal’s ear at the time of arrival on grounds. Acceptable forms of ID include a USDA AIN 840 tag or a Canadian CCIA 124 RFID tag. Cattle who were previously tagged (and born before March 11, 2015) with a USDA 900, 982, or 985 RFID tag will be grandfathered in under ADT and are eligible to enter the WDE grounds.  

For an additional fee, online and paper entries will be accepted through September 11. Entries will continue to be accepted between September 12 and the show, via mail or onsite, with applicable late fees.

Recognized as the meeting place for the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo attracts more than 70,000 attendees from over 90 countries to Madison, Wisconsin, each year. The annual event will take place Oct. 4-8, 2016, with the theme of “Celebrate 50!” to commemorate its golden anniversary. Visit or follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@WDExpo or #Celebrate50) for more information. 
