News Release

Monday, September 26, 2016

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

WDE® Dairy Cattle Show Results Now at Your Fingertips

MADISON, WIS. – For the first time ever, World Dairy Expo® is launching a new texting feature to allow Expo fans another option to stay up-to-date with the Dairy Cattle Show. Starting October 4, and running through the completion of the show on October 8, cattle show enthusiasts will be able to receive placing updates from the Showring on their mobile devices.

Expo fans are able to opt in for this new texting service any time until the end of the show. To sign up, simply text WDERESULTS to 727-493-3976 - or 727-4-WDEXPO - and follow the prompts to choose any combination of Breed Shows, including the option of receiving results from all of the shows.

“The goal of this feature is to allow attendees to stay in touch with what’s happening in the Showring no matter where they are – somewhere else on the grounds or at home in the barn or a field,” explains Liz Matzke, WDE Attendee Services Manager.

The texting results will include the name of the first place animal and exhibitor. With the use of an electronic recording system in the Showring, these results will be sent immediately after each class is placed. This lack in delay will allow exhibitors, attendees and fans the chance to stay updated on the progress of the Dairy Cattle Show in real time.

In addition to this new tool, ExpoTV will continue to supply livestream coverage of the Showring. For attendees on-site, live coverage is positioned around the Alliant Energy Center to give you the opportunity to follow the Dairy Cattle Show while walking though the Trade Show and visiting with Commercial Exhibitors. To view ExpoTV on your electronic device, visit 

To save time at the show, attendees are encouraged to visit Expo’s mobile friendly, interactive website at The website is home to Innovation Unveiled, a page highlighting new products in the Trade Show, a food guide, complete with hours, location and menu of all dining options found on the grounds, and interactive maps that allow attendees to preplan their path through the Trade Show.

Recognized as the meeting place for the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo attracts more than 70,000 attendees from over 90 countries to Madison, Wis. each year. The annual event will take place October 4–8, 2016, with the theme of “Celebrate 50!” to commemorate its golden anniversary. Visit or follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@WDExpo or #Celebrate50) for more information. 
