News Release

Saturday, October 8, 2016

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

John Dalton Awarded A.C. “Whitie” Thomson Memorial Award 

The 2016 A.C. “Whitie” Thomson Memorial Award was awarded to John Dalton, of Hartland, Wis. by the Thompson Family at the 2016 World Dairy Expo®. The award honors the herdsman or showman who exhibits exemplary leadership and sportsmanship throughout the show. For all 50 years of World Dairy Expo, Dalton has treated his fellow Expo exhibitors with integrity and friendliness, which were trademark characteristics of A.C. “Whitie” Thomson.

Dalton is the third generation to farm at Daltondale Farm after it was established in 1910 with a herd of Ayrshires. Daltondale Farms have exhibited their cattle at local, state, and national shows throughout the country. Animals with the Daltondale prefix have topped the Ayshire Elite Cow List, sent bulls into A.I., won national production awards, and have been named All-Americans. In 2012, Dalton was awarded the Ayrshire Master Breeder by the Ayrshire Association and in 2013 was the Premiere Breeder of the International Ayrshire Show at World Dairy Expo.

Along with the impacts Dalton has made within the dairy industry due to his cattle, a large impact has been accomplished as well through his involvement in various organizations including the Ayrshire Breeders Association Board of Directors, serving as President, 2nd Vice President, and 1st Vice President. He is an active 4-H leader, Wisconsin Purebred Dairy Cattle Association director and past president, and past director of the National Dairy Shrine.

Dalton has given his time and talents at the World Dairy Expo as he exhibited throughout the last 50 years. He has been a member of World Dairy Expo’s Dairy Cattle Exhibitor Committee since its creation in 1984 and was the committee chairman for seven years. The Daltondale genetics shined in the show ring in 2016 as the Reserve Grand-Champion Ayrshire was a granddaughter of the Daltondale prefix.

Recognized as the meeting place for the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo attracts more than 70,000 attendees from over 90 countries to Madison, Wis. each year. The annual event will take place October 4–8, 2016, with the theme of “Celebrate 50!” to commemorate its golden anniversary. Visit or follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@WDExpo or #Celebrate50) for more information. 


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